Spring Clean Eating 2022

Spring Clean Eating 2022

Spring Clean Eating (#SpringCleanEating) is a challenge by Green With ENVYronment and Hapi Sprouts.

What Is Spring Clean Eating?

Let us start with key information about what it isn’t: it isn’t a diet. It does not involve omitting foods or counting calories. And it most definitely does not focus on starving yourself. 

Spring Clean Eating comes from the term “Spring cleaning” – the process of cleaning your entire home – room by room and top to bottom. You can join us by spring-cleaning our diets by rethinking old eating habits, saying goodbye to foods that aren’t good for us, and getting a fresh start.

How to get started

For the month of September, we will be more conscious of the foods we consume. We are also sharing our progress on social media using the hashtag #SpringCleanEating.

Start Small 

Start your clean eating journey by making little changes every day, and seek out food that’s closest to its natural state. Try swapping white rice for brown rice. Replace sugary soft drinks with homemade smoothies or juices. Try having meat-free Mondays. Over time, the small changes will evolve into something much greater…your lifestyle change!

Create a Meal Plan

Meal plans help you save time and money by having control over your food choices. You will reduce the amount of time you spend shopping for groceries because you’ll know exactly what you’re going to prepare in advance. This helps prevents decision fatigue and ultimately contributes to a better lifestyle.

If you want to eat better but don’t have time to research recipes and ingredients? Give Hapi Sprouts a try today! Discover nutritious meal plans that use up the ingredients you already have and learn more about different ingredients.

Cook More at Home

Skip dining out, delete food delivery apps and save your coins. Be more mindful about what you eat.

Visit Farmers Markets

Not everyone has the space to plant their own produce but you can start researching and reading up on different fruits and vegetables. When you shop at a farmers market, you can speak directly with the farmers to learn about their practices and decide if they align with your needs. You will be supporting small, family-owned businesses while finding the freshest foods. 

Listen to our Plant-Based Eating Podcast Episode

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