
Hello new friend…

My name is Lerato Moja and welcome to Green with Envy, which is short for Green with ENVYronment (pronounced “environment”). This baby has been an idea for almost two decades. 

I started working in the environmental space in 2004 straight after graduating as a Chemical Engineer. As I grew up in the ranks and fully enjoyed the new field I was in, I was always bothered about how communication and messaging in this field were done in scientific jargon, leaving the man on the street out of the conversation. 

The truth of the matter is that we are all affected by the changes in the environment, and we all need to be part of the conversation. 

That is how Green with ENVYronment was born. I enjoy educating my friends and family and always beam with pride when I see them teaching the next person about environmental issues (no matter how small). 

Now we are here! This platform is an extension of my passion to teach and share knowledge. You will find environmental content in a language we all understand. If we must save and protect Mother Nature, we must start small in our little corners. Then teach the next person and hopefully avalanche into a big ball of environmental good. 

Tell your family and friends about us. Share the link to this website, to our podcast, and drop us an email with any environmental jargon you would like explained at info@greenwithenvy.co.za

Remember, small green actions create a positive ripple effect. 

With Love,


Sustainability Made Simple

Navigating the sustainability maze can be difficult. From distinguishing between the products that are actually green and sustainable to understanding the jargon. 

Why Green With ENVY?

Green with Envyronment is a fun and educational resource for anyone who needs easy ideas on how to save the environment. It’s for the person who understands every little bit helps. Living consciously and green is not out of reach. 

Green with Envyronment aims to help educate and inform people on sustainability. Our articles are not muddled with scientific jargon. IT’S FOR EVERYONE – YOUNG AND OLD.

I cover a wide range of topics. From ethical fashion to green cleaning, to eco-product guides, to ethical banking, and all your burning sustainability questions, I seek to be a balanced writer that you can trust.

Follow Green With ENVYronment

Instagram: @GreenWithEnvyZA

Email: info@greenwithenvy.co.za